ONLINE EVENT (VIA ZOOM) 17,18,19 JAN 2025.
(Includes 200+ hrs of online content & over 35 full ACH demos)
Over 35 Full ACH Demos And Breakdowns.
$997 AUD
Because if you can’t speed up your sessions, it doesn’t matter how good your product or service is…or how BIG your goals are to grow your therapy business… your business and income will always stay stuck, and you will be competing with the 100 of thousands of other hypnotherapists, coaches and NLPs all offering the same thing at the same price – Talk about cutthroat!
But, learn to speed up your breakthroughs with ACH, set the right price, show the right value (even when your prices are 10-20X higher than the average therapist)… and … with just a few clients a week or month… you can transform your business, your life, and the life of the people you care about forever, all while becoming that ‘go-to therapist’ who charges the most but is in the most demand!
It's crazy to think that the 1000s of students we have are spending between only 30 min-60 min with their clients – just once and charging these massive prices – all while building waiting lists months in advanced, while the rest of the hypnosis industry are working part time jobs to support their income and charge on average $100-150 per client.
And I am not just saying this… check out all the results below for yourself!
That’s why 1000s of students and trainers have already gone through the program and have become the ‘go to therapists’ in their niche – all while using just this ONE approach. Forget about adding tools to your toolbox! We create the toolbox – not the tools in it.
If you are not familiar with our ACH program, maybe you have seen the 1000s of hypnotherapists, we have helped build a fulltime income from scratch and build their dream hypnotherapy business with our 100K Coaching Program.
Below is Sarah P talking about how ACH has changed her business and helped her hit multiple 6 figure years - from absolute scratch! Sarah has gone on to become the go to therapist in just a few years.
Another student is Penny C talking about how she is using ACH to fast track client results and increasing the power of her client breakthroughs in just minutes!
That's because, unlike most hypnosis courses you’ve invested in where your reading scripts and reading from a txt book full of outdated and untested ideas...
Worst off your time was spent not only reading, preparing, or writing scripts, but upsells, no demos, breakout rooms that were not supervised and a whole lot of txt book theory that amounts to endless information, but does not help you in the real world with real clients.
And most courses don't give you the opportunity to practice your new skills, get coached on the spot, refine the approach, how to use in the real world with real clients, or be in a community with likeminded hypnotherapist, coaches and NLPs all refining their skills.
Thus, the hypnotherapists leave with more tools on top of tools with more fancy names – and still that same hypnotherapist goes blank with even the simplest of client problems.
3. We give you my world real world practical knowledge – not something I have been certified in, read from a book, or learned from someone else. You are getting what I used to help my 1000s of real high paying clients. No boring long lectures or upsells.
Let me assure you…
This way of training student in ACH works!
6.You’ll gain complete control over your clients breakthroughs and drastically speed up results while charging the most – YES you will be working less, doing less as the therapist, saving time and making more money.
You will get to see multiple demos, breakdowns and theory. This program gave birth to ACH the way it is today.
ACH Program - And Snag Up All The Bonuses!
I don't know you, but I do know this: ACH is a skill (like learning any style of hypnosis) requires commitment, practise and immersion in the trainings.
But to master the skill of ACH you need coaching, community and curriculum.
You get all of those things with the ACH program.
So… I truly believe if you follow the steps, practise will fellow therapists, participate in the community, and dive deeply from the curriculum you WILL master ACH very quickly.
But ultimately, you need to make the effort. Are your business and career important enough for you to put in the effort?
If so, why not join now?
I think I covered this by explaining the "learning and doing gap" at the top of this page.
But, if you’re still not convinced this is the best training available for hypnotherapists… here’s 6 ways ACH is different from any other "hypnosis" out there:
First, most hypnosis training is based on clunky techniques, scripts, language patterns, NLP mixed in with hypnosis, relaxation, and a lot of focus on the hypnosis part – and you can learn this from every other training school out there. So, if you can learn this from all other training schools, why do so many therapists keep training, getting certification after certification and ultimately have a wall full of qualifications but still get stuck working with even the simplest of client problems. This outdated version of hypnosis has you believe all clients can fit into a technique and that you can ‘mind read’ what your clients true root cause problem is and prepare a script in advance. Whereas all training schools focus 80% time on the hypnosis part, deepening, suggestibility tests, language patterns and relaxation and only 20% (if that) on the therapy – ACH focuses 100% of its time on the therapy (making hypnosis a by-product)
Second, other methods and styles require you to memorize and repeat pages of scripts word-for-word. It feels unnatural. ACH has no scripts, no prep work, no giving homework and audios and no forcing visualisations, regressions, and language patterns onto clients. Thus, you can freestyle with every client, every problem and it does not require you to keep filling your box with ‘stop smoking techniques’ “The best anxiety method” etc.
Third, traditional hypnosis requires long lectures, stories, upsells, and the trainer reading from a textbook. Whereas ACH is all action, all demos with no boring lectures, upsells, no scripts and no textbooks. I want you to see ACH in action so you can duplicate it with your clients straight away.
Forth, most training have you read the script, follow the 5-step technique – with hopes your clients can follow along. Again, forcing your clients to follow what you want them to do. Also, most trainings have you complete the curriculum then leave you on your own. ACH gives you lifetime access to the events and the community. You can have your hand held through every step.
Fifth, there’s less pressure on you the hypnotherapist to remember all these tools, scripts, language patterns and spend hours upon hours prepping your sessions. This pressure does not work well with therapy. ACH has a casual, fun and insightful approach where you will be doing and saying less, and your clients will do all the work yourself.
Sixth, at the completion of the program you will realise it is just the beginning. You will have mastered ACH, have your prices set from $1500 -$5500, have a community to practise in and have lifetime access to attend as many of the live events as you wish. Think about it. You get 1 paid client after this training, and you have made all your money back and keep everything for life.
Great question. The fact is, you can go too the success stories page on this website, all of our social media, YouTube channel and even our student interviews to see the quality and results this program (and all of our programs) has.
But I’d be lying if I said everyone who did the program went on to achieve greatness. They don’t. But, are you open to hearing the difference between those who fail and those who succeed wildly?
It’s got nothing to do with the curriculum.
After all, if one person doing the program succeeds massively… and another person fails miserably when given the exact SAME lessons and techniques, whose fault is it? The ACH program or the person doing the program?
If you said it’s "the person doing the program" you’re right. Success in ANYTHING is a do-it-to-yourself program.
I have found the only reason NOT to succeed as with ACH or even our 100K Coaching Program is giving up too soon or not even starting.
If you don’t follow through and actually finish what you started there’s NO program on earth that can help you. Make sense?
And that's why there is the major point of difference that you get with the ACH program that you won’t find in other programs.
Good question.
I understand you might be nervous about charging more (if that’s your goal). Especially if you tried and failed in the past. But don't be.
To make your understanding of this ‘higher price’ method along side ACH (which you will learn on day 3) I have a video explaining why you must have higher prices and how it works in your favour.
DISCLAIMER: You acknowledge and agree that: We are not accredited by any governing body, nor are we a registered training organisation and any outcome of taking part in an Online Course will not be considered a qualification, including any certification we provide to you; our Online Courses are available for purchase worldwide; however, we do not warrant or represent that the Content will comply with laws in the country you live and/or operate your business; we do not guarantee any particular outcome or benefit as a result of participating in the Online Course; and it is your responsibility to comply with all laws applicable to you, and you are solely responsible for the outcomes resulting from any implementation of the Content or learnings from the Online Course, when dealing with your patients.